Sales people and shop assistants play a smaller role in the sales process than they used to play. They are more there to show us where we can find what we have already decided to buy or confirm our understanding or add some of the missing bits.


Because a big chunk of our research and decision making is now done online. Here are four reasons why:

  1. Less pressure

Having a conversation with a salesperson can feel a bit pressuring. So when you have the option to get the same info without the pressure, you are more likely to pursue that option.

  1. More trusted sources

Sales people have a bad reputation. They tend to be a bit biased towards their product or service. Whereas online you can look at multiple stores / vendors and you can read reviews on Facebook and Google to see what actual customers have said.

  1. Time to digest and decide

It takes time for humans to make up their mind. The bigger the purchase, the longer we need to digest and decide. Online allows people to take their time.

  1. More convenient

Visiting a store or having a meeting takes time. You can visit a website at work in your coffee break. It can be done at night while you are lying in bed. It can be done anytime, anywhere on any device.

It’s the combination of reasons above that have made the web so popular for researching purchases online.

If you do not have an effective online presence, then you are likely losing clients to competitors with a better online presence.

Four ways to better engage prospects online

Here are four key ways in which you can improve your online presence.

  1. Have an awesome website

First you need your online shop front, i.e. your website, to look good and work properly across all devices including mobile phones.

A great visual needs to be backed by quality content that provides users with relevant information they need to understand your offering. Also it should use their language, not your industry jargon.

Having a well built and content rich website will help you rank better on Google and other search engines. That way, people searching for products and services in your niche are more likely to find you.

  1. Update your Google listings and social media accounts

Have your Google Business listing up to date. Also get happy customers to review you online. A lot of people look at reviews online before choosing to buy from a business. Same goes for your Facebook business page.

  1. Use online chat

As more websites offer online chat, more customers are choosing to use it and in some cases starting to expect it. Plus it’s a lot more convenient than an in-person meeting. If you get enough volume on your website or your service has a high margin, then it might be economical to offer online chat on your website.

  1. Create a mobile app

Fairdinkum Sheds, a shed building company, offers a free app that allows customers to design, tweak and re-tweak their own shed anywhere on any device. This both saves Fairdinkum Sheds time in dealing with clients, and allows the client to engage with the shed company in a low risk, low pressure environment where they can fully discover what’s on offer and really assess their options.

Could you come up with an app that is relevant to your client group?

In summary, more and more customers are researching and making buying decisions online. If your business is not optimising your online presence, then you are likely losing customers to other

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