1. Present Irresistible USPs
Though shalt create a powerful Unique Selling Proposition (USP) that addresses the specific need experienced by your ideal customer. It shall clearly and unambiguously emphasise the individual qualities your business has that strongly differentiate it from the competition.
2. Use Strategic SEO
Though shalt carefully select keyword phrases to which SEO efforts are applied. Phrases selected shall be subject to a commercially viable number of average monthly searches, be subject to competition, but not excessively so, and attract visitors with the ideal customer profile
3. Publish a Great Blog
Though shalt regularly publish a Business Blog that employs video, text and imagery to provide genuinely useful and completely free content to website visitors. The writing style used will be conversational, easy to read and so awesome that readers are compelled to share it and comment.
4. Build an Email List
Though shalt take every opportunity to encourage website visitors to opt-in to an email list. Only name and email address will be requested, with genuinely valuable gifts being given in return. To manage this effectively, a professional email campaign management service will be used.
5. Write Compelling Copy
Though shalt carefully and thoughtfully craft compelling landing page copy that visitors find magnetic, enticing and trust worthy. Such copy will focus strongly on customer benefits rather than product features and be resplendent with special offers, service guarantees and customer reviews.
6. Create Powerful CTAs
Though shalt construct powerful Call-to-Action (CtA) devices that are intuitive, action oriented and strategically located immediately adjacent to transaction-oriented landing page copy. These CtAs will appear as clearly ‘clickable’ to website visitors, regardless of the device or browser being used.
7. Mobile Optimise
Though shalt carefully and thoughtfully craft compelling landing page copy that visitors find magnetic, enticing and trust worthy. Such copy will focus strongly on customer benefits rather than product features and be resplendent with special offers, service guarantees and customer reviews.
8. Build a Community of Fans
Though shalt carefully choose social media platforms congruous to one’s business and patiently develop a community of fans using these channels. This will be achieved by posting content that educates freely, is personalised, encourages discussion and builds positive relationships.
9. Write Persuasive Landing Pages
Though shalt carefully design highly targeted landing pages, strategically written to amplify and consolidate visitor interest and drive towards a conversion action. Language used will be action-oriented, outcome-specific, personalised and appropriately chunked for optimal readability.
10. Make Data Driven Decisions
Though shalt base all web business decisions on hard quantitative data and reliably derived qualitative insights. To this end, one will guided by Google Analytics, social sharing trackers and customer comments to the same extent that a pilot is guided by her critical flight instruments.